Thursday, October 27, 2005

My 2nd born child

!haha i serisely got just passed around from house to hosue while my mom was in the hospital having day it was my brothers and then the next day it was my uncles!!!! it was just becasue becca was so hard to bring into this world...the see section and all but i was a purfect 7 pound baby who just came right out!!!!!!lol
Well after reading this from my daughter, I've decided to write something about her birth.
After waiting many years to finally get pregnant and carry through the pregnancy full term, the day finally came when I went into labour. I had to call my husband at work and ask him to come home. We were both excited as we had been married for 11 years, and despite our attempts to have children, I either couldn't get pregnant, or when I did I miscarried usually early in the first term. We had gone the route of trying various things, and medications, and I'd been on Clomid to increase our chances of fertility. I did get pregnant a few times during that period but never seemed to be able to get very far into the pregnancy before I suffered a miscarriage. Eventually we stopped all the extra efforts, and we decided that if it was meant to be then it would happen. I never stopped praying about it, and asking God to bless us with a child. While I had many miscarriages, I finally found a doctor who was able to give me hope. He felt my body was not producing enough progesterone which was necessary to carry a pregnancy full term. When I became pregnant again, and was able to find out early, they started me on progesterone, which I continued for a certain period. It worked! While I was sick alot during my pregnancy, I did manage to carry thro' full term.
I can't begin to even describe how happy and blessed I felt that God had finally answered my prayers to have another child. I really didn't care if it was a girl or boy so long as the baby was healthy, although I must admit, I was secretly hoping and praying for a beautiful little girl. As my labour progressed, I worried about what I might have to go thro'. The birth of my first child had not been an easy one, and I almost died. Despite that, I was prepared to take that risk, and desperately wanted another child. As the labour progressed, so did the pain. I had a lot of back pain, especially in my lower back. At times the pain thro' my back was so bad I hardly knew what to do with myself. As things progressed, I tried my best to keep things as natural as possible. Finally the baby was born, and I was so happy to find out it was a beautiful, healthy 7-pound 14-ounce girl. I got to see her briefly before they whisked her off to check her and hand her over to her dad. Almost immediately I felt like I was drifting away, and they were working fast to take care of me as I had hemhorraged. It was awhile before I was able to see & hold her, but eventually I did have that opportunity and I was so thrilled to finally hold my new baby daughter in my arms. God let me be ok, and blessed us with a healthy child after all the years I'd waited. My firstborn son was 17 years old, so it had been awhile, and I was elated. My greatest and most heartfelt prayer had been answered.
I was anxious to breastfeed this baby, and determined that I was going to do that. Unfortunately my daughter had other things on her mind, and unfortunately had already been given a bottle while I recovered after the delivery. She wasn't nursing properly. Anxious to succeed, I spoke to the nurses & health nurse, and was given several methods of trying to encourage the nursing, via a few different types of tube feeding, and pumping my milk. I was allowed to go home 3 days after her birth, on my birthday, and it was a wonderful birthday present. I'd like to say that things changed overnight, and she started nursing right away, but it took quite a number of weeks of pumping milk and trying to feed her again and again, till she finally latched on. She was also colicky during those first 5 or 6 months, but I didn't care. I was so just so happy to have my precious little girl that I was just happy to hold her & cuddle her and take her everywhere. Her daddy seemed pretty happy to have her here as well, and seemed to delight in holding her and checking on her at night time. My parents were delighted and thrilled with the birth of their first
grandaughter. My mother had fun knitting for her, and going out and buying some adorable little dresses for her. When the day came that I had to return to work, my parents offered to help us out by looking after her. That worked out great, until the day my mom's health worsened and she stared suffering with congestive heart failure. At that point I was forced to look for someone else to look after her, and was fortunate to find a wonderful Christian lady who seemed to enjoy caring for children. During those days and times, I was always so happy & delighted in spending time with my precious little girl, and feeling so blessed with such a wonderful and amazing gift. She was indeed a true miracle from God, and worth every bit of pain & work that I had to go thro' to have her. Love you so very much Jen. One day,(and I hope it's many years from now) when you are older, I hope you will know the joy & blessing of holding your own precious bundle & miracle in your arms. xo xo xo xo


mo said...

That must have been a very special day! Your daughters are beautiful and wonderful blessings to me too. I would love to meet your son someday as well.

dawn2454 said...

Perhaps if you meet him someday, you could send him my way, and let him know where I live, and that I'm his mother....:(

The Reverend said...

Hey Dawn, trust me when I say that your son may live with alot of regret later if he doesn't find out where you live and that you are his mother. Don't let it get to you too much....sons are stupid creatures sometimes.

dawn2454 said...

Hi Reverend, The unfortunate part about it, is that he does know where I live, but chooses not to come around. He made a brief appearance when we were roofing, and was supposed to try and make an effort to come back but didn't. I know he has his reason's, but it doesn't make it any easier.

Anonymous said...

My name is Holly Lem and i would like to show you my personal experience with Clomid.

I am 28 years old. I got preg first time on my own & miscarried. after a while of trying, my dr put me on clomid. after the first round i got pregnant & miscarried. i decided not to try or think about it at all probably for a 9 months... right around the time baby would be due & then started trying again. after a few months got back on clomid. after 5 months and no pregnancy i'm giving it a rest again. it's to much disappointment. i'm going to give it a try again soon, in the mean time we're keeping our fingers crossed for the old fashioned way to work.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
HOT FLASHES, moody, cry easily, weight gain, headaches etc!!

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Holly Lem

dawn2454 said...

Did I miss something or what was supposed to be useful in what you shared???? My blog is not a place to advertise clomid.