Monday, April 16, 2007

Do you appreciate God's many blessings and all that you have?

Today is Monday, April 16th, 2007

Officially according to the calendar, we are already into the spring of our season. Does the weather indicate that it's spring? Well I suppose you could say that most of the snow has disappeared, but this morning it was trying to snow. Yes, it's the middle of April and it's trying to snow. It's bitter cold out there, with a really strong wind. I need to go out and do a little grocery shopping, but I really don't feel like going out in the cold today. Hopefully it will start to warm up this week and we will get some nice spring like temperatures. It would be nice to get out there and not have to wear a big heavy coat. Even the dogs are thinking the same thing. When the sun comes out they ask to go out, but once they get out there, they realize just how cold it actually is.

Even with the grey overcast skies, there is still some light up there and at times it looks like the sun might come out. The birds are still flying around, and looking for food. The red breasted robins are getting a full looking belly as they build their nests and prepare to lay eggs and wait for their young to arrive. At times I hear the shrill pitch of the blue jay up in one of the trees, and it trys to scare off some other bird, or a squirrel that is trying to take over someone's nest. The squirrels are out running all over the place gathering up food, and checking around for their mates. As the trees sway gentle in the wind, they continue to draw moisture from the ground and from the air, as they slowly form little buds underneath their bark. Many gardens are already full of brightly colored flowers such as crocus, and daffodils, and other spring beauties.
No matter how miserable the weather seems to be, there is always something of great beauty out there, and one of God's many wonderful creations.

In the meantime, I am able to sit here in the warmth of my own home, and to enjoy looking outside at the beauty of God's many creations around me. I know I am blessed to be able to make the choice of staying inside or going out into this weather.

There are a lot of homeless people out there...whether by choice or not, but they are stuck out in this weather, and all types of weather conditions. I wonder just how many of them are able to appreciate God's blessings, and the many beautiful things around them? Then again, I wonder how many people who are blessed are able to recognize those things and to appreciate what they have? What do you think?

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Hello Everyone! Hope you all had a great Easter weekend. I'm wondering just how many of you even use your blogs anymore, or post to them. For so long no one seemed to be posting anything, or reading, so I just seemed to stop coming here. I've decided I want to start coming back and posting once in awhile. I actually belong to another site called where I go to write, read others writing, and just basically share my stories, poems and life with others who do the same thing. I've really enjoyed spending time there writing. I don't proclaim to be that great at it, but it's something I enjoy, so I've decided that is what's most important, thus the reason I I've decided to share the odd thing that I've written on here.

How is everyone, or perhaps should I say is anyone even out there reading the blogs and writing on them anymore?? I sure hope so. I feel like I've been losing contact with people, and either sick all of the time or dealing with the constant pain that I have. You see this winter the pain got so bad in my one leg that it was all I could do to even stand up or walk. My knee gave out one day and the pain that shot down my leg and all through it almost made me pass out. Nothing seemed to touch the pain. I couldn't move my leg or do anything for quite some time. For quite some time after that I was having to use crutches to try and get about. I went to the ER but they said there wasn't anything they could do for me. They took some X-rays but determined that there was no cartiladge left between the knee and as it shifted it was bone on bone causing pain. I need a knee replacement...or actually two of them, but I need the left one done first when and if they get me an appointment with the dr/surgeon. Still waiting to here something, although it's been over a month since the dr. said she would arrange an appointment for me. No wonder those who can afford it are going to the states to get things done down there.

Easter weekend is drawing to a close. It was a cold snowy weekend here. Rather uneventful, and not one of the nicest. We really did not do much to celebrate it and I didn't waste my time buying a turkey or trying to go to all the fuss and bother of cooking one. I have been sick on and off for the past month, and I was not up to doing anything. I also cannot spend a lot of time standing because of the pain in my leg. I had two little chicken's in my freezer so I took them out and cooked them along with a little lamb roast that I had. I was going to have my father over, but he wasn't feeling good, my husband spend the whole day just laying around sleeping and my youngest daughter wasnt' feeling good either. My oldest daughter was babysitting, so I just didn't worry about a whole lot of fussing. Saturday I had to take my father to dialysis, then run some errands and babysit my grandchildren so we ended up having spaghetti dinner with my son & his family. Today was Sunday, so we went to church and came home to just relax. My knee and leg are really hurting probably from the cold and standing so much today. My youngest, is babysitting, and the other one is off at a friends for the afternoon and night. My husbands been playing around with his 'hobby', and watching westerns on tv, so I spend the time trying to get my computer fixed and working....yea I seem to have succeeded.

So what did YOU do for Easter weekend??? I'd love to hear from someone, and hope you're all keeping well.

God Bless!!

He Is Risen

Twas many, many years ago

When Jesus Christ was born,

So very many years ago,

Upon that special morn.

A child who came to teach us

About our Father in Heaven

He came to help His people

To share with us good news.

He was the chosen one of God

To come and help us all

Reaching out to all around Him

As He helped both sick and poor.

He knew what God expected

And He did all that He could

To serve His loving Father

He obeyed and followed Him.

And when the people came for Him

Saying that He'd broke the law,

Accusing Him of falsehoods,

And for that He'd have to die.

They cursed and called him names,

Put a crown of thorns upon His head,

Then made Him carry a huge cross,

And beat Him all the way.

They nailed him to the wooden cross

Put holes within His hands,

Then hammered more into His feet,

And made the cross to stand.

Before the angry throngs of men,

They hung him from that cross,

And there on each side of Him,

They also hung two thieves.

They left Him there to die

A gruesome, painful death,

And when His time was over

God reached out in love to Him.

His mother and disciples

Took His body off that cross,

They wrapped Him up in linens,

Then laid Him within a tomb.

They then observed the Sabbath

And all rested as they should

Then took both spice and fragrant oils

To the place where Jesus laid.

The stone was rolled out from the tomb,

No body did they find,

But two men stood in shining robes

Telling them He was not dead.

They told them He was risen,

No longer in the tomb,

The Son of Man was rescued

Crucified, but now alive.

Jesus appeared unto His disciples

Saying "Peace be unto you"

He gave them understanding

Of the Scriptures we should learn.

He told them it was written

For the Christ to suffer death

And that on the third day after

He would rise up from the dead.

And as He stood there blessing them,

The heaven's opened up,

And God reached down and took Him

To live with Him above.

So on this Easter weekend

Think upon these many things,

Remember that our Father,

Loved each and everyone of us.

Christ died upon the cross that day

For the sins of all mankind,

So all we really need to do

Is repent of all our sins.

If we will do this thing He asks,

Believing all He did,

Then we will have eternal life

And go to be with Him.

Remember Christ this weekend

In everything you do,

And know that He is right there,

Watching over you.

God Bless and keep you throughout this Easter weekend. Remember that He Is Risen, and looking out for you. Remember that He loves you, and for eternity will be with YOU.

Dawn M.

April 5th, 2007